Gbm Vision

The Vision and Mandate of Global Business Ministries International

If you have not yet read Our Story, where you can learn the full history of GBMI and how the Lord led Apostle Les D. Crause to establish this ministry, then we suggest you go there first, before you read any further.

It will help you to get a clearer picture of where this ministry came from, where it is right now, and where it is headed. 

You can go there directly by clicking the following link:

Click Here For Our Story

Now that you have read our history, here is a systematic layout of where we wish to go with this ministry. 

If after you have read this, you wish to become a part of this vision, then simply click the button above labeled Join Us. There you will find details of how to become a GBM Partner.

The Vision of Global Business Ministries International

A. To reach the world with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, turning  men and women from darkness to light, setting the captives free and bringing them into the Kingdom of God.

We believe that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation and that every believer is called to spread the Good News that Jesus has redeemed us from sin, sickness, poverty and all bondage both to the realm of darkness and to this world system in which we live. 

Our mandate is to train every believer to do this effectively by providing the necessary training, materials and on hands help.

B. To establish local churches that meet together and are run according the original pattern shown in the Scriptures, for the purpose of Teaching, Fellowship, Social interaction and Prayer. 

We will establish both home churches and public meetings where EVERY member is both encouraged and allowed to participate, just as every member in a natural body has something to add to the full functioning of the full body.

C. To establish ministry centers in all main areas which will house the leaders and members of the Fivefold Ministry as well as Fivefold Entrepreneurs, for the purpose of caring for the many local churches in the region. 

Each ministry center will be self contained under the leadership of a team of Fivefold Ministers and will contain facilities for fellowship, training and business activities.

It will allow those who come for hands on training to live in their own home and be trained for a period of up to three months at a time in intensive training for their calling. 

D. To train and set in place those whom God has called to be Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Pastors and Evangelists

Training will include both theoretical and practical training methods, using materials that have been produced by GBMI.

Students may study online alone until the opportunity comes for personal training at a local training center operating under the banner of Global Business Ministries International. 

Training will lead to the graduation of all students who complete the courses. Those who qualify for placement into a ministry office will be placed via Apostolic and Prophetic decree by the physical laying on of hands. 

Those who wish to continue with GBMI will be appointed and set in place as ministers of GBMI and given leadership positions in both local churches and ministry centers of GBMI.

E. To train and set in place those whom God has called to the Fivefold Business function

We offer a unique series of teachings on the calling to business and train God’s Entrepeneurs to rise up and use their business talents and anointing to gain access to the wealth of this world.

Such leaders will be considered leaders in local churches and ministry centers, alongside those who are called exclusively to ministry. 

Together they will lead the Body of Christ, providing the needed finance to extend the Kingdom of God into the earth, and freeing Fivefold Ministers to carry out their calling without restriction.

Fivefold Entrepreneurs will also be given the opportunity to carry out ministry tasks, not as spiritual leaders, but as those equipped to preach and teach while carrying out their prime calling of business.

F. To provide fellowship, covering of protection, licensing and ordination to all those who are called to the work of ministry or business

All ministers who have been trained under GBMI will be given credentials and licensing under GBMI for the purpose of functioning in the world, to give recognition needed for government and local authorities in their country.

Those who are trained in our schools will be given certification in the form of diplomas and degrees, including official graduation, ordination and placement in ministry offices.

G. To make available as much as possible of the above WITHOUT COST to those who are not in a financial position to pay for it. 

The Ultimate Mandate

Ultimately the mandate of Apostle Les D. Crause and the leadership of Global Business Ministries International is to raise up the End Times Church and set in place a new church that is full of power and glory.

* To build the kind of Church that Jesus will be happy to come and receive as His bride. 

* To build a church that will rise up and overcome the systems of this world, and bring the Kingdom of God to bear on the kingdoms of this world.

* To displace the influences of the realm of darkness and to bring the light of the glory of God to bear in this world.

* To bring a unity of the Spirit amongst all believers in every land, until we come to the unity of the faith, and the full knowledge of the Son of God, according to the following passage of Scripture:

Ephesians 4:12 For the equipping of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all arrive at unanimous agreement concerning the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the level of maturity of the complete Christ:
14 That we should no longer be children, tossed about and driven with every wind of doctrine, by the subtle deception of men which is designed to lead you astray;
15 But speaking the truth in [agape] love, may grow up in all things into him, who is the head, [namely] Christ: (GBMV)

If you are living in our area and would like to visit us or come for live training, you may get full directions and details of our location at the following web address: