Subscriber Enrollment

You Are About to Apply for a Monthly Subscription

Please note that this is a recurring payment and will be deducted from your account each month at the same time.

You may cancel this at any time if you no longer wish to be a Partner, or cannot afford to continue making contributions.

Amounts Below Are in US Dollars, Click Here if You Wish to Pay in South African Rand

Partnership Options

Partnership Level 1

You contribute $50.00 per month. This will entitle you to full access to all of our books on GBM Books and free study in the any of the GBM Schools

Partnership Level 2

You contribute $75.00 per month. This will entitle you to full access to all of our books on GBM Books and free study in the any of the three GBM Schools plus additional benefits.

Partnership Level 3

You contribute $100 per month. This will entitle you to full access to all of our books on GBM Books and free study in the any of the three GBM Schools plus additional benefits. It also entitles you to receive counsel and ministry from the GBM Ministry Team.

Partnership Level 4

You contribute $150 per month. This entitles you to do any of our study courses for both a husband and wife together. It also entitles you to become an affilliate of GBMI and receive personal mentorship from Apostles Les and Daphne Crause.

Partnership Level 5

You contribute $250 or more per month. This entitles you to have direct access to Apostles Les and Daphne Crause as well as members of the GBM Executive for personal counsel and mentorship. You may also be considered for membership of GBM as a minister or associate ministry.

Please Note

If you wish to study in our schools, you should also complete a Student Application at

On completion you will be given full partner access according to the Partner Level chosen