Prophetic School

Prophetic School Training For Those Called to the Fivefold Ministry

Every believer can carry out Prophetic Ministry, but not everyone is called to be a Fivefold Prophet or to rise up into full Prophetic Office. It is therefore not strictly correct to call someone a prophet if they simply operate in the gifts of revelation or can give words of prophecy.

Two Mistakes In Prophetic Training

Having helped spearhead the original Prophetic Movement and trained God’s prophets since the early days of that movement, we have learned that there are two main mistakes that Prophetic Training Schools make.

1. They emphasize prophetic operations such as the giving of prophetic words or predicting the future, instead of helping prophets identify their true spiritual authority.

2. They emphasize the authority of the prophet and the death process needed to qualify for Prophetic Office but fail to teach prophets how to function in normal prophetic ministry.

Balanced Prophetic Training

It is the goal of this Prophetic School to correct some of the imbalances caused by these mistakes. So our courses range from basic prophetic ministry to the more advanced functions of the Prophetic Office.

Here you will learn how to develop your prophetic ministry from scratch, even if you have never functioned in this before. And by the time you come to the higher level lectures on the Prophetic Calling, you will have already gained some experience in Prophetic Ministry.

So you will never have an imbalanced ministry in the prophetic. You will be able to function in prophetic ministry and also take your place as a full prophet in office in the universal church.

The Fivefold Prophet

If God has called you to be a Fivefold Prophet and you wish to take your place in the Prophetic Office, then this school will give you all that you need to move into this higher calling.

Although it is the Holy Spirit that trains and equips us to function in our calling, God delights in using human channels to prepare his choice servants,.

One of the reasons for this is that it can take many years for a person to learn all alone without the experience and input from someone who has already been on the way for a while.

This school provides materials that contain an anointing that is unique and powerful. As you go through the lectures and lessons and apply them to your life something amazing will happen to you. YOU WILL LIVE THE LESSONS.

The Business Prophet

Today God is adding a new dimension to the functions of the End Times Prophet by raising up a new breed of prophets. These prophets are called to not only function in ministry but also in business.

As part of the new pattern that God is setting in place for the End Times Church, there will be a whole new dimension added to the Prophetic Ministry as well as the higher level Prophetic Office.

As leaders of this new move of God, we are happy to introduce you here to concepts of the Fivefold Business Calling as it applies specifically to the prophetic ministry. You will learn how to add this dimension to your ministry and move to a higher level as a prophet who operates in two realms.

The Prophetic Entrepreneur is a new entity that did not exist before, so by completing your prophetic studies in this school, you will be entering into something that is not available in other Prophetic Schools.

Live and Distance Learning

All of our Prophetic School lectures have been captured into the camera during live training sessions. We also capture some student interaction and the answering of questions posed by the students.

If you attend a live class in our Prophetic School Live Training you will get the full benefit of hands-on training. But even if you live too far to attend live classes, you can still benefit from the training, because you get full access to all the video footage that was captured in the live classes.

In effect, it will be almost like sitting in on one of our live classes. And you can still ask questions and have them answered personally by your lecturer via the distance learning program.

So you can enroll as a student in this school and get going right away. Just complete our application form using the link given and once you have made your payment for the first month, you will be released immediately to start your studies.

Before long you can be learning all you need to start functioning as a prophet and to qualify for the Prophetic Calling that is on your life.

[whohit]Prophetic School[/whohit]